Friday, November 8, 2019

Meth In The Morning, Heroin At Night: Inside The Seesaw Struggle of Dual Addiction

In the 25 years since she snorted her first line of methamphetamine at a club in San Francisco, Kim has redefined “normal” many times. At first, she says, it seemed like meth brought her back to her true self — the person she was before her parents divorced, and before her stepfather moved in.

“I felt normal when I first did it, like, ‘Oh! There I am,’ ” she says.

Kim is 47 now and has been chasing “normal” her entire adult life. That chase has brought her to some dark places, so we agreed not to use her last name, at her request. For a long time, meth, known commonly as speed, was Kim’s drug of choice.

Then she added heroin to the mix. She tried it for the first time while she was in treatment for meth.

Read the complete article at here ..

Flea Shares His Struggle With Opiates In An Open Letter

The post Meth In The Morning, Heroin At Night: Inside The Seesaw Struggle of Dual Addiction appeared first on Turning Point Treatment Center, Inc..


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